Job Description


Key Element of a Job Description
- Job Title
Indicates job duties and organizational level
- Job Identification
Distinguishes job from all other jobs
- Essential Functions (Job Duties)
Indicate responsibilities entailed and results to be accomplished
- Job Specifications
Skills required to perform the job and physical demands of the job

Job Description
- Job Title
+Provides status to the employee.
+Indicates what the duties of the job entails. 
+Indicates the relative level occupied by its holder in the organizational hierarchy.

Job Description, Job Identification Section 
- Departmental location of the job
- Person to whom the jobholder reports
- Date the job description was last revised
- Payroll or code number
- Number of employees performing the job
- Number of employees in the department where the job is located
- O*NET code number.
- “Statement of the Job”

Job Duties, or Essential Functions, Section
Statements of job duties that:
- Are arranged in order of importance that indicate the weight, or value, of each duty; weight of a duty is gauged by the percentage of time devoted to it.
- Stress the responsibilities that duties entail and the results to be accomplished.
- Indicate the tools and equipment used by the employee in performing the job.
- Should comply with law by listing only the essential functions of the job to be performed.

Problems With Job Descriptions
- If poorly written, they provide little guidance to the jobholder.
- They are not always updated as job duties or specifications change.
- They may violate the law by containing specifications not related to job success.
- They can limit the scope of activities of the jobholder, reducing organizational flexibility.

Writing Clear and Specific Job Descriptions
+ Create statements that:
- Are terse, direct, and simply worded; eliminate unnecessary words or phrases.
- Describe duties with a present-tense verb, the implied subject being the employee performing the job.
- Use “occasionally” to describe duties performed once in a while and “may” for duties performed only by some workers on the job. 
- State the specific performance requirements of a job based on valid job-related criteria.

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