Flexible Work Schedules

 Flexible Work Schedules

Compressed Workweek
- Shortening the number of days in the workweek by lengthening the number of hours worked per day.
    -The four-day, forty-hour week, generally referred to as 4/10 or 4/40. Employees work     a four-day workweek, ten hours a day.
    -Reducing weekly hours to thirty-eight or thirty-six hours or scheduling eighty hours         over nine days (9/80), taking one day off every other week.

- Working hours that permit employees the option of choosing daily starting and quitting times, provided that they work a set number of hours per day or week.
- All employees are required to be present during a designated “core period.”
- Flexible hours reduce absenteeism and tardiness.

- Job Sharing
+ The arrangement whereby two part-time employees perform a job that otherwise would be held by one full-time employee.
+ Job sharers work three days a week,“creating an overlap day for extended face-to-face conferencing.”
- Telecommuting
The use of personal computers, networks, and other communications technology such as fax machines to do work in the home that is traditionally done in the workplace.

Keys for Successful Telecommuting
- Identify jobs best suited to distance work. 
- Select responsible employees. 
- Establish employee feedback procedures and performance review methods for -evaluation.
- Establish formalized telecommuting procedures.
- Begin a formal training program.
- Keep telecommuters informed and “in the loop.”
- Recognize when telecommuting isn’t working

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