Komunikasi Dalam Organisasi

Komunikasi dalam organisasi

Suatu proses transmisi/penyampaian informasi dan pemikiran melalui berbagai simbol dari satu individu atau kelompok kepada pihak lain.
(Ivancevich & Matteson 2002, p.493)

Fungsi Komunikasi

Ada 4 fungsi utama :
1. Fungsi kendali/kontrol
2. Fungsi motivasi
3. Ekspresi Emosional
4. Transfer informasi

Proses Komunikasi :

Elemen Komunikasi :

1. Communicators; an employee with full of ideas
2. Encoding, translate process of communicator idea’s into a systematic of symbols (language)
3. Message, the result of encoding process
4. Medium, the interface of communication
5. Decoding-Receiver, the interpretation of message based on experiences and frame of reference
6. Feedback, affirmation to reduce distortion
7. Noise, the factors that distort the message

Sumber distorsi :

1. Distorsi = penafsiran pesan yang berbeda yang diterima oleh penerima pesan
2. Prasangka, pengetahuan, ketrampilan memahami, rentang perhatian menjadi faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan suatu pesan terdistorsi

Komunikasi pada Organisasi :

Beberapa alasan sulitnya komunikasi secara upward :
The reasons why employees don’t communicate upwards (Milliken et al 2003)

1. Fears & beliefs : 
a. Fear of being labelled negatively (30%)
b. Fear of damaging a relationship (27.5%)
c. Feelings of futility (25%)
d. Fear of retaliation or punishment (22.5%)
e. Concerns about negative impact on others (20%

2. Other factors :
a. Individual factors (eg. lack of tenure) (32.5%)
b. Organisational factors (eg. hierarchical structure) (30%)
c. Poor relationship with supervisor (20%)

Bentuk lainnya komunikasi dalam organisasi : 
1. Horizontal Communication 
flowing from one position to another on the same hierarchical level (e.g., from the accounting department head to the marketing department head).

2. Diagonal communication
communication flowing between an employee and higher level manager to whom she/he does not report, e.g., the marketing director communicating with a production foreman.

3. Communicating Externally
Typical external communication program includes four distinct programs: public relations, advertising, promotion, and customer/client/patient surveys.

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